Judicial Judgment Recovery
Judicial Judgment Recovery
Collect your share of this
multi-billion dollar market!

Train FREE through National Judgment Network
Note: You most likely did not come across this page by accident. You have probably already examined the claims made by other judgment enforcement training programs. Good! We welcome comparison! If this is the first training program you've examined, bookmark this page! Browse the Web! Look for a more comprehensive program! Look for a less expensive program! Then, when you are ready to enter the field of judicial judgment enforcement, return here! We'll help you get started...
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Train FREE through National Judgment Network
Here is the opportunity you've been looking for! A career in the lucrative field of Judicial Judgment Recovery! No other legitimate business opportunity can offer you the financial rewards and satisfaction of your own judicial judgment enforcement business. What is judicial judgment enforcement? It is a computer based, work at home business with the potential of generating a six figure income while providing a valuable service to society.

Every day hundreds of courts award thousands of judicial judgments in civil cases throughout the nation. Some are small claim judgments for a few hundred dollars. Others are civil judgments amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Only about twenty percent of these judgments are ever paid by the losing party. Eighty percent of all court awarded judgments go uncollected! In most states, judgments are good for ten years and can be renewed for an additional ten years. During the life of the judgment, it accumulates interest and increases in size. There are literally hundreds of thousands of unsatisfied judgments on the books amounting to millions of dollars waiting to be collected.

Why can't the winner of the judgment collect these legally awarded debts? A lot of reasons!

  • The debtor may have changed his residence to avoid payment, and can't be located!
  • He may have moved to another state where the judgment isn't valid!
  • He may have hidden his assets and claims to be unable to pay the judgment!
  • He may have even changed his name to avoid payment!

While the courts attempt to see justice served by awarding a money judgment to the winner of a civil case, they do absolutely nothing to enforce payment. Collection is left up to the judgment winner! Most people, after a few years, give up hope of ever collecting the money they are owed! As a judgment enforcement specialist, YOU can collect these judgments and earn a hefty fee in the process!

Train FREE through National Judgment Network


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